1940s vintage dark wine burgundy and navy rayon very wide necktie with two bold circle designs.
A film noir type of necktie.
The tie is by Raxon and the name is Petit Point.
It is 50" long and a wide 4".
A good look for a man or woman.
In good structural condition but with minor flaws.
At the side where it had been tied is a small worn area, a tiny pin point hole is on the front at the top design.
The inside lining at the tip has a small mark. Still very wearable.
It also has the name Donegal.
$5.50 US shipping
Wide 1940s Vintage Wine Burgundy And Navy Bold Circle Design Necktie listed in:
Vintage Accessories. Scarves, Belts, Gloves And More
, Antique And Vintage Men's Clothing And Accessories For Sale